a history

I started this blog when i noticed the weight gain of living in suburbia, both mental and physical.  I started collecting, needs basic stuff. beds, clothes, decorations for the home. I needed a car.  I couldn't find work that was walk able or where there was a commuter bus that could get me where i was employed. I had a break down. waking up before the sun, never going dancing. losing the connection of the gay community that was strong and not contrived out of a need to force a union in the City. My mental state of living was darkening with the winter, even my recovery was suffering, my meditations be came clouded with the pain of want, I couldn't help but start throwing stuff away. I had dreams of moving unpacked boxes from Uhaul to UHaul. I started walking just to still my mind and it was there that i found a peace and a joy. I wanted to just walk and experience the joy i felt while walking all the time.  The thoughts of this brought me more joy. I let my mind go and i wanted to walk around the world. or at least become the gypsy i am and travel and work and live with the earth. This eased the tensions. I started blogging or I got blog names started. I vacillated between where and whens. I began to fear my decision. I became consumed with what will happen to my finances and worry held me in place. Walking and biking have become my time to thrive. I have caught the biking bug so to speak, a lot has become clearer.
I will bike around. I won't couch surf right now, as i have been. I will bike and i will travel around from wooded spot to wooded spot. Now the journey begins with the woods next door. I have a place to settle for a bit and learn what i need to on my way around the country and perhaps the globe. A trial and error journey to see where my feet can take me.  The great shedding begins as i type. I shed some fears with this baby step with starting my journey where i am.

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